We are going through history in the making which will no doubt be talked about for decades to come. We thought it would be a lovely idea to involve your children and create a Lockdown Memory Book for them to look back on.
I know my daughter cherishes the two books I have created for her. She often pulls them off the shelf and will go through them slowly for ages. She will call me over to ask me about a photo, or piece of text. It is great for me too as when she asks, the item will trigger my memory and I can share a story with her related to it.
Most children in the Early Years age groups will be too young to have much of a memory of Lockdown and what it all meant. Creating them a Lockdown Memory Book of all the events and your own special memories will help them feel they were a part of it. It may also help those slightly older children to adjust and understand Lockdown a bit better.
You can make this an activity to do together with your children and family. Time with family is key more so than ever. Allow them to help you choose what they might like to include. Remember you can include, pictures, drawings, and text.
Points to consider before creating your Lockdown Memory Book
Decide whether you are going to have a printed book created or you will do your own using the scrapbook style. There are some great options out there for both options. Here is a link for a brief overview on the two: https://yourstory.com/mystory/762bfc8ae9-comparison-the-beauty
How much time do you have to create your book. The more you customise it / take control of the design, the more time you will need.
A printed book will typically be done via a ‘photobook’ company. These companies will often allow you to customise your book or offer a quick option to upload the files where they auto-arrange them for you.
If you opt to go the scrapbook route, you will need to work out how many pages you need in advance and print what you need to fit within this size.
Both options allow you to decorate as you wish with backgrounds, pictures and more. Let your inner creativity go wild!
How many copies will you want? Just for your child/ren or for grandparents etc too?
Pippa: My daughter Kaylee on her daily exercise
Some top tips for ideas you could include in your Lockdown Memory Book.
Record any activities that you did. Did you play games? Work in the garden?
Photos of Daily walks, bike rides, the NHS clap are all great memories.
Include anything unusual that you may have done that under normal life, you wouldn’t have.
Add a copy of newspaper clippings or print stories from a news website about Covid-19.
Perhaps you have been baking, why not include these recipes.
A great addition could be a photo showing how we talked to friends and family using digital options.
Did you have any family events during Lockdown? Perhaps a birthday or anniversary?
Sharing an idea of what it was like to shop during this time. Queue’s at the supermarkets, shortage of certain products, wearing masks and gloves.
Have your children been drawing, and creating anything? You could include these drawings or photos of these. Don’t forget the NHS rainbow, or things regarding VE day.
What are your children’s thoughts or feelings? Do they miss friends, school, childminder, family? What is their experience of Lockdown? Children have a wonderful view on life, capturing this for the book would be great.
Include Kinderly postcards from home of some activities you have shared with your childcare provider.
Create a timeline to show major dates for Lockdown and your family personally.
Did your children reach any milestones during Lockdown? Be sure to include these too.
You can add some books or weblinks written during this time that you have read together either about Lockdown, Covid-19 or just one that has become a favourite.
Foz: Ayaans teacher has been creating little scenes around the woods so the kids need to go look for them as part of their outdoor homework.
Some hints on ways you can create your Lockdown Memory Book
Engage the children in choosing which photos go into the book. Let them be part of the creation and putting it together. This will help also for them to have content that has meaning to them.
Create a folder for all the files you intend to include so that when you are ready to create your book they are all in one spot.
Make it fun and not a chore. You may need to work on this for short bursts over several days.
We would love to hear what you included and see some of your books in progress and finished, please share these with us on Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #GOKinderly