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Nursery management software Kinderly Together to incorporate Birth to 5 Matters guidance

date July 2, 2021

We’re really pleased to announce that Kinderly is one of a small number of organisations that has been granted a licence to incorporate the Birth to 5 Matters non-statutory guidance.

As we approach the revised EYFS, coming into play in September, the team at Kinderly are working hard to ensure that our award-winning nursery management software is updated and ready to encompass the changes ahead. Our users will have the option to select the new revised EYFS and Development Matters frameworks as well as the Birth to 5 Matters guidance, developed by the Birth to Five Matters consortium.

If you’d like to know more about the Birth to 5 Matters guidance and what it actually means to you, please head over to our blog to read Dr Sharon Colilles article.

We’ll be keeping you abreast of what’s changed and any recommendations on how to embrace the changes whilst using Kinderly Together from September. In the meantime, make sure you check out our EYFS-2021 Hub for all the latest info, useful articles, webinars and courses to get you prepared.

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