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Tech updates: daily diaries, temperature record and daily planner…

date April 1, 2022

The Kinderly tech team have been making more updates to Kinderly Together to ensure our early years software delivers more of the tools you need to run your early years practice. Check out the latest features and updates below:

Revamp: Daily Diaries

We’ve added loads of functionality to the new look daily diaries to support you in recording daily activities and sharing with parents.

What’s new:

  • Easy and intuitive navigation
  • Update daily activities and food, either on the go or in advance
  • Now you can send to parents, either by room, by individual child or all parents
  • More fields added for detailed data if required (nappies, toileting and milk/water)
Parents receive a daily  update of their child’s activities, food and drink.
ipad showing kinderly together software feature for parents

Check out the help article for more info.

NEW: ‘What have we done today’ WHWDT Planner

The WHWDT (What Have WDone Today) Planner can now be pre-populated with your daily activities, either days or weeks in advance and by individual rooms or the entire setting.  No more having to copy and paste the same text across all/multiple children. Write it once and done!

The WHWDT planner is accessed via the Administrationsection of the Kinderly Together dashboard.

Check out the help article for more info.

NEW: Temperature Record

Now you can easily record a child’s temperature throughout the day. Especially handy in current times as well as for compliance in some countries. Check out the help article for more info.

laptop showing kinderly together software feature where you can log a child's temperature

Have a question about how our early years management software work? Contact our support team via our online chat – or book a free demo to see how Kinderly Together can save you time and money today.

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