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May updates: New buttons, graphs and DigiDoc updates

date May 27, 2022Tom & The Tech Team

Here are the latest updates from the tech team here at Kinderly Together as we continuously strive to improve your experience and support early years best practice.

NEW: Download button added to the Child Summary Table

In just one click, you can now generate a PDF which you can download, email to parents or other childcare providers, print out and save.

Visit the help centre to find out more HERE

UPDATE: Diary tab on the child’s profile page

Just click on the updated diary tab on the child’s profile page and you can view all the items in more detail from the new-style daily diary in graph form.

NEW: Recipients section added to DigiDocs

The new functionality enables you to better manage the recipients of all your digital documents.

Now you can add or edit the recipients as well as linking their children and managing any errors, ready for when you wish to send a document or contract for that child.

Visit the help centre to find out more HERE



If you missed what’s new from last time, like the Cohort Trackers, register, revised EYFS features, DigiDocs makeover and more check out the previous updates.

If you’re not already a Kinderly Together member, why not register for a free trial or book yourself a free demo.