Dr Aaron Bradbury – Are child-to-adult ratios balancing numbers or addressing needs?
Wednesday 22nd Jan @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
£5Join this insightful Kinderly webinar where Dr Aaron Bradbury will explore the concept of child to adult ratios within the early years. He will give an overview of his co-authored research surrounding ratios in the early years and the impact ratios can have on children and staff within our early years settings.
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About the speaker
Aaron is a Principal Lecturer for Early Years and Childhood (Sociology, Health and Psychology, Special Educational Needs, and Inclusion) at Nottingham Trent University. He is a Member of the Coalition for the Early Years on the Birth to Five Matters, Vice Chair of the Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network and currently researching on Early Childhood workforce development. He has a passion for making the voice of the child, nurturing through a diverse lens and pioneers of early childhood the foreground of practice. So much so that he has co-authored a range of early childhood books including the best seller Early Childhood Theories Today. Aaron manages his own website and community called Early Years Reviews.