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Rebecca Skinner and Becky Poulter Jewson – Communication-rich environments

Wednesday 9th Apr @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

communication environments webinar

Creating language and communication rich environments is a key, fundamental skill for all educators in every form of educational settings. When we develop optimum learning environments with the children and our teams, we see them flourish and grow in confidence.

Children should be enabled to be who they are and not who we think they should be. They discover this through time, space and quality interactions with adults who really care and take a genuine interest in them , their ideas, their life stories and their surroundings.

We explore the everyday routine to create connections that enable trust and deep engagement in play. As educationalists, we are helping to building brain development in children that will be with them for their whole life time. Therefore it seems pretty important that we get it right and that our role is viewed as crucial, and is seen by us and others as fundamental to society.

Join us to explore what a communication-rich environment really looks and feels like in practice and discover the research underpinning this!

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rebecca becky language webinar

About the speakers
Rebecca Skinner and Becky Poulter Jewson are the co-founders of Thriving Language. Having worked together in Childrens Centres for many years, they could see the true benefit of Early Years and Speech and Language Therapy working together in complete harmony to support children and families. Rebecca Skinner qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 2001 and is the Director of Speech Therapy and author for Thriving Language. She also works as a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for the NHS. Becky Poulter Jewson has over 25 years experience working with children and families as a qualified Early Years Lead and is the Director of Early Years and author for Thriving Language.


How to watch this webinar


  • You’ll receive your Zoom link by 5.30pm on the day of the webinar.

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Wednesday 9th Apr
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:
Registration link:

